She paused, thought a moment, then said, "Well honey, I want to spend the night with you today, but I can force you to lend me something to wear tomorrow"
"Sure," said Brad, as he perked up and smiled again. "I am pleased. Now get the part. "
Raquel and Brad got up and followed him in his car near the hotel. She pulled behind him and stayed in his car while he went in.
He told the clerk he wanted a room. The clerk had been drawn up with Raquel and he said: "? A piece or two"
Brad began sleeping and was not paid much attention to what the employee told the clerk he wanted to tell a room.
"I got a smoking room at the back in an isolated area with a king-size bed. The fine. "
"Sure, what ever," said Brad and gave him the 50th The clerk gave him $ 7.53 in change ($ 39.95 for room and tax) and gave him the key. He Raquel got his truck and followed him around the back of the room and packed his bags and rushed into the room trying to keep from getting wet.
Raquel and Brad made the room light and shut the door. Until now, there was a steady rain outside, and both were soaked.
"God, I'm soaked," Raquel shouted as she tried to shake off excess water.
"Here, let me hun," said Brad unpack his suitcase. "Just to serve you what you want"
Raquel looked through the bag and pulled a light blue long-sleeved Oxford shirt pressed, a pair of gym trunks and one of his old T-shirt with gray, is that "Everlast" written on the forehead. She also obtained a pair of white socks.
Then, without any shame or hesitation, Raquel stripped of clothes they put in a plastic bag, she took one of the trays and the hairline. Brad was stunned when he saw them standing financially naked ass in all its radiant beauty.
Raquel smiled and, as said jokingly, "Did I embarrass there hun?"
"No, no," Brad replied quickly: "I did not expect you to be so open."
"You want me to go to the bathroom and ready to wear," Raquel said lovingly.
"God," said Brad. "Hell, after all, we're both adults here and it's not like I have never seen a naked woman before. I have my share of fun if you know what I mean. "
Raquel perked forward, went to Brad, putting her arms around him and said, "Mmmmm I would like to hear some of your moments of pleasure."
"Now let us out of these wet clothes into something comfortable and I want to talk about my achievements," said Brad audacity to win.
"Care to take a shower with me," said Raquel engaging. "I promise I will not bite unless you want to," she added with a mischievous wink.
"What the hell", he thought himself answered, and, "Of course, it will be fun."
Brad and Raquel filled quickly, and then Brad has assembled a pair of boxers and Raquel put on long sleeved shirt and Brad had to open it.
Raquel was in bed and patted the mattress next to her and said, "Come on already hun," Brad had to pinch yourself to make sure he was not dreaming or something. Raquel smiled and said with a sensual purr "You're not dreaming honey, but I'm in your dreams and fantasies cum true."
Brad got under the covers with Raquel Raquel and smiled and said, "Well, it's not better than standing there and watching?"
Brad had to admit she was right and you say something with Raquel, Brad took off his boxers, while naked and slid next to Raquel.
"My, my, we are not a bad boy," Raquel said with a devilish smile, and with whom she removed her shirt, so they were both naked.
Right now, Brad smiled and laughed.
"What's so funny hun," Raquel asked curiously.
"Oh, I just thought it would be my parents and neighbors when we were naked in bed together in a seedy hotel room did," Brad said with a smile. "Oh, how the talking!"
"I know that people think in the neighbor hood on me, Raquel said, smiling." I heard all the names: Black Widow Divorced, and the praying mantis, and they are those of politeness. I prefer to say no, these are some of the other. "
"So, I think honestly say Brad, what do you think of me," said Raquel, not entirely sure she wanted to know the answer.
"I have the names and hear, but I do not think all the hub-bub" Brad said with a smile. Brad, then put his hand on the side of the face of Raquel and said softly, sincerely loving "The Raquel I know, is a charming, loving, care woman I greatly admire."
Raquel smiled and blushed and looked me in the eyes of Brad and a tear rolled down her cheek.
"" Well, darling, Rachel said softly: "I have in the past, some of what people have said about me is true, but now that I'm older, I am ready to s' install, to confess with a loving kind and gentle man, "Raquel said, as she put her hand on Brad.
Do not know if he wanted to hear the answer Brad reluctantly said, "and who would it be."
Raquel boosted his ego, as she simply replied. "I'm next to him right now"
Brad pulled Raquel approached him and held her as she affectionately embraced.
Said Raquel "So honey Brad, you said that you are no stranger to sex, the right is" smiling.
"Yes, Brad replied with a shy smile." I've been around the block a few times "
"So Brad, if I may ask, and if it is not too personal, what the kinkiest you've ever done sexually," said Raquel
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